Monday, March 18, 2024

Blog Post #3 - Eight Values of Free Expression

A Connection Between the TikTok Ban and Eight Values of Free Expression

At the time of writing this post, the House of Representatives has just recently passed a bill that could lead to the banning of TikTok in the United States. As someone who makes income by posting on TikTok, this bill is very disturbing to me. However, I am equally concerned about our freedom of speech. The news has also been buzzing with another problem regarding whether the Biden administration’s efforts to persuade social media platforms violate the First Amendment. With this in mind, I feel that parts of our Eight Values of Free Expression are being violated.

1. Marketplace of Ideas

First, the marketplace of ideas theory suggests that the truth will win over falsehood in free discourse, and argues that one should not need a license to publish. Although publishing and posting on social media are slightly different, many of their characteristics are the same.

I believe that this bill would hinder our ability to contribute to the marketplace of ideas because the government could take away a platform that they have yet to gain control over regarding what people say. As seen with Twitter (before it became X), the Biden administration has forced the company to enact consequences on people who spread "misinformation" about COVID-19 that would disagree with messages from the administration. I, along with thousands of other TikTok users, feel that this platform gives its users more freedom to speak about and against our government without fear of having our accounts removed or demonetized. Taking this platform would mean that we would have to move to another social media platform that may be more swayed by the government like Twitter.

2. Promote Tolerance

Equally as important, the promote tolerance theory argues that, although we may see and hear speech that we do not like or agree with, exposure to it makes our society more tolerant as a whole. TikTok is known for having a wide range of opinions and ways of expression. Although the TikTok algorithm usually shows the user content that they like and agree with, it will also show opposing views from time to time.

If TikTok is banned, we are forced to move to other social media platforms. If these platforms are persuaded by the government to cancel their users for having differing views from whoever is in office, how are we supposed to be more tolerant? The beauty of platforms, such as TikTok, is that anyone with any belief or political views can post, and it should not be up to the government to choose which opinions should be heard and which should be silenced.

3. Individual Self-Fulfillment

Finally, and what I think is most important about TikTok, is the theory of individual self-fulfillment, which means that everyone has the right to express themselves and create their own identity. When you think of videos on TikTok, what do you first think of? Many people may answer dancing, artists, or people doing story times. All of these are great examples of self-expression. I would argue that TikTok is one of the best platforms for anyone to express themselves. Although other platforms also allow for this, I think it is wrong to take this platform as an option. 

Regardless of their reasons, the government needs to find a different solution than simply banning TikTok or selling it to an American company. We risk losing some of our values of free expression if this bill were to become law. The three speech theories that I discussed are important to me as an American and a social media user, and I do not believe it is right to give the government the power to decide which platforms I can use, and what both common and notable people can say on these platforms.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Blog Post #2 - Supreme Court

 A Reflection on the Supreme Court

As someone who does not frequently keep up to date with the government or politics, I admit that I do not know much about the Supreme Court, especially before watching Part I and Part II of this video. Until now, I have not realized the importance of this court regarding the protection of American rights in the Constitution. From what I have learned, this is a topic that should be talked about more by people my age. 

 First, some of the most basic facts that I learned surprised me. For example, the Supreme Court has nine justices, one being chief justice. Originally, I thought this court had more justices, and I find it impressive that these nine people can sort through the large number of petitions they receive yearly. Additionally, I did not fully realize that they have the power to tell the government that actions they took are unconstitutional; however, this idea makes sense to me because I knew Americans had the right to petition against the wrong actions of the government. As a Generation Z, who is constantly hearing stories of the wrongdoings of my government and its officials, this information gives me more hope.

I think an important takeaway from this video is every day these justices come to work to protect the American people. They set their political biases aside using the Constitution and the decisions of the previous justices to make the right decisions. I find it comforting to know that this court exists to keep our amendments and our freedoms safe. They also carry a high responsibility to not discriminate against their people and to keep a just and ethical system.

The most surprising information I learned is just how hard it is to be a justice of the Supreme Court. I cannot imagine the amount of pressure and scrutiny they must face when making their decisions about a case. They are constantly in the eye of the news as their debates are public. Once their decisions are made usually in June, reporters spread the verdicts throughout the country within just a few hours. More importantly, they make decisions that affect lives which I can imagine is daunting at the least. 

This video has changed the way I view the Supreme Court drastically. I certainly have more respect for the justices now that I understand their positions and the great responsibilities they possess. This knowledge has also given me more belief in our system in a time of uncertainty and unrest in our country. I also now understand the magnitude of their power. They not only make decisions that can become precedents for hundreds of years, but they also have the power to determine if an action by the government, including the House of Representatives, the Senate, or the President, is unconstitutional. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Blog Post #1 - 5 News Sources

My Sources for News in 2024

As voting for the presidential election is upon us, keeping up with the news is increasingly important. This is especially true because this is the first presidential election where I will be able to vote. However, it is also important to me to be current with the news, not only for the presidential election but also to learn about current events in the U.S. and worldwide. Here are some of my daily news sources:


First, my most frequent news source is TikTok. TikTok is a great source for getting quick information while scrolling. Typically, information is broken down and made easy to understand. These videos usually cut out unnecessary details and are straight to the point. As someone who does not have much time outside of studying, I find that this style fits my lifestyle well. It is also great to see users' reactions to information in the comments sections, which is interesting to get a census of emotions on a given topic. However, getting your news from TikTok has its downsides. Since anyone who follows the terms and conditions of the app can post, determining false information can be difficult. Therefore, once I find information on TikTok, I follow up by searching for credible news articles (see below) to falsify or strengthen claims made on TikTok.


Similar to TikTok, I receive much of my news information from YouTube. YouTube, similar to many other platforms, is great for easy-to-understand information; however, it usually provides more detailed information than TikTok. Additionally, many news channels have YouTube accounts where they post videos and livestream. This is a great option for anyone to watch news stories from their favorite news sources who do not have or cannot afford a TV provider. However, similar to TikTok, misinformation is unavoidable because it is a platform where anyone can post. Therefore, if you choose to get news from this platform, you should also do your own research.


One of my favorite sources for credible news articles is the BBC. This website is interesting because it is not an American-owned publication but instead is located in the UK. I like it because I find that the writing is less biased about American affairs than American-owned media. Additionally, I like it covers more world news which gives me a greater sense of what is happening worldwide. I also believe this is a good source to research information I find on social media as mentioned above.

National Geographic

Another interesting, credible news source is National Geographic. I specifically like this source in my daily life because I get regular email notifications about topics I am interested in. For example, I have an affinity with astronomy and space; therefore, I will frequently get emails regarding current astronomical findings and research. Similar to the BBC, I also find that I get a larger sense of worldwide news with National Geographic because their main landing page is filled with articles from various countries. This website is a great source for a variety of topics and views.

Game Rant

Finally, as an avid gamer and game design major in college, Game Rant is a stellar option to keep up to date with new game releases and updates. They cover new games, developer information, information about the best hardware, and so much more! For someone in my major, I would highly recommend checking in on this website frequently to keep ahead of competitors in the field of design. For gamers, I recommend this website because, from my own experience, this is where I first find out about new releases in my favorite studios.

Bonus Blog - Final Presentation Speech - My New Opinion on Blogging

My New Opinion on Blogging and Word to Future Students Now that I have gotten a chance to use Blogger as part of my class experience, I wan...