Monday, March 18, 2024

Blog Post #3 - Eight Values of Free Expression

A Connection Between the TikTok Ban and Eight Values of Free Expression

At the time of writing this post, the House of Representatives has just recently passed a bill that could lead to the banning of TikTok in the United States. As someone who makes income by posting on TikTok, this bill is very disturbing to me. However, I am equally concerned about our freedom of speech. The news has also been buzzing with another problem regarding whether the Biden administration’s efforts to persuade social media platforms violate the First Amendment. With this in mind, I feel that parts of our Eight Values of Free Expression are being violated.

1. Marketplace of Ideas

First, the marketplace of ideas theory suggests that the truth will win over falsehood in free discourse, and argues that one should not need a license to publish. Although publishing and posting on social media are slightly different, many of their characteristics are the same.

I believe that this bill would hinder our ability to contribute to the marketplace of ideas because the government could take away a platform that they have yet to gain control over regarding what people say. As seen with Twitter (before it became X), the Biden administration has forced the company to enact consequences on people who spread "misinformation" about COVID-19 that would disagree with messages from the administration. I, along with thousands of other TikTok users, feel that this platform gives its users more freedom to speak about and against our government without fear of having our accounts removed or demonetized. Taking this platform would mean that we would have to move to another social media platform that may be more swayed by the government like Twitter.

2. Promote Tolerance

Equally as important, the promote tolerance theory argues that, although we may see and hear speech that we do not like or agree with, exposure to it makes our society more tolerant as a whole. TikTok is known for having a wide range of opinions and ways of expression. Although the TikTok algorithm usually shows the user content that they like and agree with, it will also show opposing views from time to time.

If TikTok is banned, we are forced to move to other social media platforms. If these platforms are persuaded by the government to cancel their users for having differing views from whoever is in office, how are we supposed to be more tolerant? The beauty of platforms, such as TikTok, is that anyone with any belief or political views can post, and it should not be up to the government to choose which opinions should be heard and which should be silenced.

3. Individual Self-Fulfillment

Finally, and what I think is most important about TikTok, is the theory of individual self-fulfillment, which means that everyone has the right to express themselves and create their own identity. When you think of videos on TikTok, what do you first think of? Many people may answer dancing, artists, or people doing story times. All of these are great examples of self-expression. I would argue that TikTok is one of the best platforms for anyone to express themselves. Although other platforms also allow for this, I think it is wrong to take this platform as an option. 

Regardless of their reasons, the government needs to find a different solution than simply banning TikTok or selling it to an American company. We risk losing some of our values of free expression if this bill were to become law. The three speech theories that I discussed are important to me as an American and a social media user, and I do not believe it is right to give the government the power to decide which platforms I can use, and what both common and notable people can say on these platforms.

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