Monday, April 29, 2024

Final Blog Post

How Our Relationship with Technology Effects Our Health

Some of our favorite technology consists of our phones, computers, and smart devices. Technology companies capitalize on the ease of these products by adding smart features to our everyday tools and appliances. As ridiculous as it may sound, our new refrigerators, washing machines, cars, and more have advanced features like internet connections and Bluetooth. The new generations growing up only using the internet and smart features will have no idea how to live without them. In fact, they would be nearly helpless if they lost electricity or the internet. Since it is such an important part of our lives, we ignore the warning signs that modern technology has horrible effects on our mental and physical health. 

Effects on mental health:

Unfortunately, as our world becomes more digital, it can be hard to put the phone down, which leads to decreased brain health. For young adults and teens, phones can be an even bigger struggle. According to recent studies, researchers estimate that 20% to 30% of adolescents and young adults have a phone addiction. Addictions like these stem from lack of awareness, lack of self-control, increasing social media presence, and fear of missing out. This problem is further escalated by the absence of parental guidance.

The more one uses social media or stares at a screen, the more likely they are to have increased attention-deficit symptoms, decreased emotional and social intelligence, shyness, impaired brain development, insecurities, depression, anxiety, and more. More specifically, social media plays a main role in major depression and anxiety among young people. When common use of social media in adolescents started in 2012, depression among teens began to rise, and within eight years, it had increased by almost 10%.  Additionally, from 2007 to 2015, self-harm and suicide among teenage girls doubled, while it increased by 30% in teenage boys. While social media and smartphones are not fully to blame for this increase, they largely contribute.

However, technology is not all bad for brain health. In fact, if used correctly, technology can increase the overall health and speed of the brain. Specifically, certain apps, video games, and digital tools can increase memory, multitasking skills, intelligence, and other cognitive abilities. For older generations, these software can slow down aging in the brain and improve overall quality of life.

Effects on physical health:

Although symptoms may seem subtle at first, smartphones and other technology can seriously damage one's physical health. Addiction to our devices can cause eye strain, disrupted sleep, physical inactivity, hearing loss, cancer, and increase existing risk factors. Specifically, prolonged screentime can create various musculoskeletal issues, such as a hunched back or neck and "text thumb", which can be painful if left unchecked.

However, technology can be a helpful tool for keeping our bodies healthy and fit. For example, many apps help track our bodies, such as fitness, dietary, and tracking the progression of chronic diseases and illnesses. Additionally, our phones and computers aid in finding medical records and speaking with medical professionals. 

Keeping the relationship healthy:

Technology is not a bad tool. Unfortunately, we are responsible for the havoc it can wreak on our health. To keep ourselves healthy and happy, we must use the tools we are given with responsibility and maturity. Most importantly, limiting screen time and digital use is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Experts recommend no more than 30-60 minutes on social media and, at least, 3-4 hours without screens daily. 

In my opinion, I believe technology can be a tool for good, and it is one of the most important things about humanity. However, it is up to each user to choose how they will use it. Our world is becoming increasingly digital; therefore, much of what we encounter online is fake, and we need to ground ourselves in the reality of what life is about. Although we live in a world where we jump from one high to the next, sometimes we need to take breaks and enjoy everything around us, not just what we see online.

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